/* Copyright (c) 2007 Ben Howell * This software is licensed under the MIT License * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using WindowsTimer = System.Windows.Forms.Timer; using Decal.Adapter; using Decal.Adapter.Wrappers; using Decal.Interop.Input; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; using GoArrow.Huds; using GoArrow.RouteFinding; namespace GoArrow { [FriendlyName("GoArrow")] public partial class PluginCore : PluginBase { const string AttachArrowCommand = "GoArrow_AttachArrow"; const string SelectItemCommand = "GoArrow_SelectItem"; internal HudManager mHudManager; internal MapHud mMapHud; internal DungeonHud mDungeonHud; internal ArrowHud mArrowHud; private ToolbarHud mToolbar; private ToolbarButton mMainViewToolButton; private ToolbarButton mArrowToolButton; private ToolbarButton mDerethToolButton; private ToolbarButton mDungeonToolButton; private LocationDatabase mLocDb; private bool mLoggedIn = false; private bool mLoginCompleted = false; private bool mInitFinished = false; private int mMonarchId = 0; private string mMonarchName = ""; private int mLastSpellId; private int mLastSpellTarget; private SortedDictionary mStartLocations; private SortedDictionary mPortalDevices; private enum RecallStep { NotRecalling, RecallStarted, EnteredPortal }; private RecallStep mRecallingToLSBind; private RecallStep mRecallingToLSTie; private RecallStep mRecallingToBindstone; private RecallStep mRecallingToPrimaryPortal; private RecallStep mRecallingToSecondaryPortal; private enum IdStep { Idle, Requested }; private IdStep mIdPrimaryTie; private IdStep mIdSecondaryTie; private WindowsTimer mRecallTimeout; private Coordinates mHouseCoords = Coordinates.NO_COORDINATES; private WindowsTimer mDatabaseReminderDelay; private DateTime mLoginTime; #region Startup and Shutdown protected override void Startup() { try { MyClasses.MetaViewWrappers.MVWireupHelper.WireupStart(this, Host); //Wire up base events ServerDispatch += new EventHandler(PluginCore_ServerDispatch); Core.CharacterFilter.LoginComplete += new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_LoginComplete); Core.CharacterFilter.Logoff += new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_Logoff); Core.PluginInitComplete += new EventHandler(Core_PluginInitComplete); Core.ChatBoxMessage += new EventHandler(ChatLinkHandler); Core.ChatNameClicked += new EventHandler(Core_ChatNameClicked); Core.CommandLineText += new EventHandler(ChatCommandHandler); Core.CharacterFilter.SpellCast += new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_SpellCast); Core.CharacterFilter.Death += new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_Death); Core.CommandLineText += new EventHandler(RecallChatCommandHandler); Core.ChatBoxMessage += new EventHandler(RecallChatTextHandler); Core.WorldFilter.ChangeObject += new EventHandler(WorldFilter_ChangeObject); Core.WorldFilter.CreateObject += new EventHandler(WorldFilter_CreateObject); Core.CharacterFilter.ChangePortalMode += new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_ChangePortalMode); //******************* Util.Initialize("GoArrow", Host, Core, base.Path); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false); mSettingsLoaded = false; mLoggedIn = false; mLoginCompleted = false; FileInfo locationsFile = new FileInfo(Util.FullPath("locations.xml")); if (locationsFile.Exists) { mLocDb = new LocationDatabase(locationsFile.FullName); } else { // Load from resource XmlDocument locDoc = new XmlDocument(); locDoc.LoadXml(RouteFinding.Data.LocationsDatabase); mLocDb = new LocationDatabase(locDoc); } mLastSpellId = 0; mLastSpellTarget = 0; mRecallingToLSBind = RecallStep.NotRecalling; mRecallingToLSTie = RecallStep.NotRecalling; mRecallingToBindstone = RecallStep.NotRecalling; mHudManager = new HudManager(Host, Core, MyClasses.MetaViewWrappers.MVWireupHelper.GetDefaultView(this), delegate() { return mDefaultViewActive; }, false); mHudManager.ExceptionHandler += new EventHandler(HudManager_ExceptionHandler); GraphicsReset += new EventHandler(mHudManager.GraphicsReset); WindowMessage += new EventHandler(mHudManager.DispatchWindowMessage); RegionChange3D += new EventHandler(mHudManager.DispatchRegionChange3D); mDungeonHud = new DungeonHud(mHudManager); mMapHud = new MapHud(mHudManager, this, mLocDb); mArrowHud = new ArrowHud(mHudManager); mArrowHud.AsyncLoadComplete += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(ArrowHud_AsyncLoadComplete); mArrowHud.DestinationChanged += new EventHandler(mMapHud.ArrowHud_DestinationChanged); mToolbar = new ToolbarHud(mHudManager); mMainViewToolButton = mToolbar.AddButton(new ToolbarButton(Icons.Toolbar.Settings, "Settings")); mArrowToolButton = mToolbar.AddButton(new ToolbarButton(Icons.Toolbar.SimpleArrow, "Arrow")); mDerethToolButton = mToolbar.AddButton(new ToolbarButton(Icons.Toolbar.Dereth, "Dereth")); mDungeonToolButton = mToolbar.AddButton(new ToolbarButton(Icons.Toolbar.Dungeon, "Dungeon")); mMainViewToolButton.Click += new EventHandler(MainViewToolButton_Click); mArrowToolButton.Click += new EventHandler(ArrowToolButton_Click); mDerethToolButton.Click += new EventHandler(DerethToolButton_Click); mDungeonToolButton.Click += new EventHandler(DungeonToolButton_Click); mStartLocations = new SortedDictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // Load portal devices // Try to load from file. If that fails, load from resource XmlDocument portalDevicesDoc = new XmlDocument(); string portalDevicesPath = Util.FullPath("PortalDevices.xml"); if (File.Exists(portalDevicesPath)) { portalDevicesDoc.Load(portalDevicesPath); } else { portalDevicesDoc.LoadXml(RouteFinding.Data.PortalDevices); } mPortalDevices = new SortedDictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (XmlElement portalDeviceEle in portalDevicesDoc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("device")) { PortalDevice device; if (PortalDevice.TryLoadXmlDefinition(portalDeviceEle, out device)) { mPortalDevices[device.Name] = device; } } InitMainViewBeforeSettings(); mRecallTimeout = new WindowsTimer(); mRecallTimeout.Tick += new EventHandler(RecallTimeout_Tick); mLoginTime = DateTime.Now; #if USING_D3D_CONTAINER RouteStart.Initialize(110011, "Digero", 220022, "DaBug", "DebugAccount"); LoadSettings(); InitMainViewAfterSettings(); mHudManager.StartHeartbeat(); #endif VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToManagedHud.Clear(); VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToVVSButtonInfo.Clear(); VVSHudBarButtons_ManagedHudToHandle.Clear(); //Do startup stuff that can only be called when the VVS assembly is loaded if (MyClasses.MetaViewWrappers.ViewSystemSelector.VirindiViewsPresent(Host, new Version(""))) Curtain_VVSEnabledStartup(); else VVSEnabled = false; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); Util.HandleException(ex); } } protected override void Shutdown() { try { mLoggedIn = false; mLoginCompleted = false; SaveSettings(); //Shutdown VVS-only functions if (VVSEnabled) Curtain_VVSEnabledShutdown(); //Unwire up base events ServerDispatch -= new EventHandler(PluginCore_ServerDispatch); Core.CharacterFilter.LoginComplete -= new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_LoginComplete); Core.CharacterFilter.Logoff -= new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_Logoff); Core.PluginInitComplete -= new EventHandler(Core_PluginInitComplete); Core.ChatBoxMessage -= new EventHandler(ChatLinkHandler); Core.ChatNameClicked -= new EventHandler(Core_ChatNameClicked); Core.CommandLineText -= new EventHandler(ChatCommandHandler); Core.CharacterFilter.SpellCast -= new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_SpellCast); Core.CharacterFilter.Death -= new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_Death); Core.CommandLineText -= new EventHandler(RecallChatCommandHandler); Core.ChatBoxMessage -= new EventHandler(RecallChatTextHandler); Core.WorldFilter.ChangeObject -= new EventHandler(WorldFilter_ChangeObject); Core.WorldFilter.CreateObject -= new EventHandler(WorldFilter_CreateObject); Core.CharacterFilter.ChangePortalMode -= new EventHandler(CharacterFilter_ChangePortalMode); //******************* Util.Dispose(); DisposeMainView(); if (mHudManager != null) { GraphicsReset -= mHudManager.GraphicsReset; WindowMessage -= mHudManager.DispatchWindowMessage; RegionChange3D -= mHudManager.DispatchRegionChange3D; mHudManager.Dispose(); mHudManager = null; } mArrowHud = null; mMapHud = null; mDungeonHud = null; if (mRecallTimeout != null) { mRecallTimeout.Dispose(); mRecallTimeout = null; } if (mDatabaseReminderDelay != null) { mDatabaseReminderDelay.Dispose(); mDatabaseReminderDelay = null; } if (Core.HotkeySystem != null) { Core.HotkeySystem.Hotkey -= HotkeySystem_Hotkey; } mLocDb.Dispose(); mLocDb = null; MyClasses.MetaViewWrappers.MVWireupHelper.WireupEnd(this); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void PluginCore_ServerDispatch(object sender, NetworkMessageEventArgs e) { try { // Game Event if (e.Message.Type == 0xF7B0) { int eventId; try { eventId = e.Message.Value("event"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { return; } // Allegiance Info if (eventId == 0x0020) { MessageStruct records = e.Message.Struct("records"); if (records.Count == 0) { MonarchId = 0; MonarchName = ""; } else { // Monarch info is always the first record, whether this character // is monarch, direct vassal to the monarch, or just a peon. MessageStruct monarch = records.Struct(0); MonarchId = monarch.Value("character"); MonarchName = monarch.Value("name"); } if (!mInitFinished) { FinishInitializing(); } } // House Information for Owners else if (eventId == 0x0225) { MessageStruct position = e.Message.Struct("position"); mHouseCoords = new Coordinates(position.Value("landcell"), position.Value("y"), position.Value("x"), 1); if (mLoginCompleted && chkAutoUpdateRecalls.Checked) { // Don't notify if the user logged in less than 1 minute ago // If the user logged in more than 1 minute ago, chances are // they're purchasing a house. bool quiet = (DateTime.Now - mLoginTime) < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); UpdateStartLocation(mHouseCoords, RouteStartType.HouseRecall, quiet); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void CharacterFilter_LoginComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!mInitFinished) { FinishInitializing(); } mLoginTime = DateTime.Now; // Update house recall; coords obtained from the House Information game event if (chkAutoUpdateRecalls.Checked) { UpdateStartLocation(mHouseCoords, RouteStartType.HouseRecall, true); } if (!mLoginCompleted) { mLoginCompleted = true; mHudManager.StartHeartbeat(); mHudManager.GraphicsReset(null, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void FinishInitializing() { mInitFinished = true; mLoggedIn = true; LoadSettings(); InitMainViewAfterSettings(); PortalDevice.MansionRunDistance = GetStartLocationByType(RouteStartType.MansionRecall).RunDistance; if (chkUpdateRemind.Checked && (DateTime.Now - mLocDb.LastUpdate).TotalDays > 30) { mDatabaseReminderDelay = new WindowsTimer(); mDatabaseReminderDelay.Interval = 10000; mDatabaseReminderDelay.Tick += new EventHandler(DatabaseReminderDelay_Tick); mDatabaseReminderDelay.Start(); } } private void CharacterFilter_Logoff(object sender, LogoffEventArgs e) { try { if (Core.HotkeySystem != null) { Core.HotkeySystem.Hotkey -= HotkeySystem_Hotkey; } mLoggedIn = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void ArrowHud_AsyncLoadComplete(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Error != null) { Util.HandleException(e.Error); } else if (e.Cancelled) { if (e.Result != null) { Util.Error(e.Result.ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } #endregion #region DHS, Map, and Chat Name commands private void Core_PluginInitComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Core.HotkeySystem != null) { CheckHotkey("GA:GUI", "GoArrow: Shows or hides the main GoArrow GUI"); CheckHotkey("GA:ArrowHUD", "GoArrow: Shows or hides the Arrow HUD"); CheckHotkey("GA:DerethMap", "GoArrow: Shows or hides the Dereth Map"); CheckHotkey("GA:DungeonMap", "GoArrow: Shows or hides the Dungeon Map"); CheckHotkey("GA:AutoMap", "GoArrow: Auto selects Dungeon or Dereth Map"); CheckHotkey("GA:FaceDest", "GoArrow: Faces character towards arrow destination"); CheckHotkey("GA:Attach", "GoArrow: Attach the arrow to your current selection"); Core.HotkeySystem.Hotkey += new EventHandler(HotkeySystem_Hotkey); } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void CheckHotkey(string name, string descr) { if (!Core.HotkeySystem.Exists(name)) { Core.HotkeySystem.AddHotkey("GoArrow", name, descr); } } private void HotkeySystem_Hotkey(object sender, HotkeyEventArgs e) { try { if (!mLoggedIn) return; switch (e.Title) { case "GA:GUI": if (mDefaultViewActive) MyClasses.MetaViewWrappers.MVWireupHelper.GetDefaultView(this).Deactivate(); else MyClasses.MetaViewWrappers.MVWireupHelper.GetDefaultView(this).Activate(); e.Eat = true; break; case "GA:ArrowHUD": ShowHideArrow(!mArrowHud.Visible); e.Eat = true; break; case "GA:DerethMap": mMapHud.Visible = !mMapHud.Visible; e.Eat = true; break; case "GA:DungeonMap": mDungeonHud.Visible = !mDungeonHud.Visible; e.Eat = true; break; case "GA:AutoMap": if (mDungeonHud.IsDungeon(Host.Actions.Landcell)) { mMapHud.Visible = false; mDungeonHud.Visible = !mDungeonHud.Visible; } else { mMapHud.Visible = !mMapHud.Visible; mDungeonHud.Visible = false; } e.Eat = true; break; case "GA:FaceDest": double angle = PlayerCoords.AngleTo(mArrowHud.DestinationCoords); while (angle < 0) angle += 2 * Math.PI; while (angle > 2 * Math.PI) angle -= 2 * Math.PI; Host.Actions.SetAutorun(false); Host.Actions.FaceHeading(angle * 180 / Math.PI, true); e.Eat = true; break; case "GA:Attach": AttachCommand(Host.Actions.CurrentSelection, true); e.Eat = true; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void MainViewToolButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyClasses.MetaViewWrappers.MVWireupHelper.GetDefaultView(this).Activated = !mDefaultViewActive; } private void ArrowToolButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mArrowHud.Visible = !mArrowHud.Visible; } private void DerethToolButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mMapHud.Visible = !mMapHud.Visible; } private void DungeonToolButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mDungeonHud.Visible = !mDungeonHud.Visible; } private void ChatLinkHandler(object sender, ChatTextInterceptEventArgs e) { try { if (chkLinkCoords.Checked) { MatchCollection matches = Coordinates.FindAllCoords(e.Text); if (matches.Count > 0) { string replacementText = e.Text; for (int i = matches.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Match m = matches[i]; // Workaround for a "bug" in AC where, if two links are right next to // each other (w/out space), the second will not be parsed into a link // and the markup will be displayed string spacer = ""; if (i > 0 && (matches[i - 1].Index + matches[i - 1].Length) == m.Index) spacer = " "; //Digero<\Tell> replacementText = replacementText.Substring(0, m.Index) + spacer + MakeCoordsChatLink(m.Value) + replacementText.Substring(m.Index + m.Length); } e.Eat = true; Host.Actions.AddChatText(replacementText, e.Color); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void Core_ChatNameClicked(object sender, ChatClickInterceptEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Id == 110011) { if (e.Text == "GoArrow_Example") { Util.Message("That was just an example."); e.Eat = true; } else { Coordinates coords; if (Coordinates.TryParse(e.Text, out coords)) { e.Eat = true; if (Util.IsControlDown()) { SetRouteEnd(coords); } else if (Util.IsShiftDown()) { SetRouteStart(coords); } else { Location loc = mLocDb.GetLocationAt(coords); if (loc != null) mArrowHud.DestinationLocation = loc; else mArrowHud.DestinationCoords = coords; mArrowHud.Visible = true; } } } } else if (e.Text == SelectItemCommand) { Host.Actions.SelectItem(e.Id); e.Eat = true; } else if (e.Text == AttachArrowCommand) { AttachCommand(e.Id, false); e.Eat = true; } Util.HandleChatCommand(sender, e); } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } public string MakeCoordsChatLink(Coordinates coords) { return MakeCoordsChatLink(coords.ToString()); } public string MakeCoordsChatLink(string coords) { return "" + coords + @"<\Tell>"; } public string MakeAttachArrowChatLink(int objectId, string text) { return "" + text + @"<\Tell>"; } private string MakeSelectItemChatLink(int objectId, string text) { return "" + text + @"<\Tell>"; } #endregion #region Chat Commands and Help private void ShowHelp() { string cmdTrim = "/" + edtChatCommand.Text.ToLower(); string cmd = " " + cmdTrim; string msg = "You're using " + Util.PluginNameVer + ". Here are the commands available:\n" + cmd + " [arrow] [on|off] - Show or hide the arrow\n" + cmd + " map [on|off] - Show or hide either the dereth or dungeon map, depending if you're on the landscape or in a dungeon\n" + cmd + " dereth [on|off] - Show or hide the dereth map\n" + cmd + " dungeon [on|off] - Show or hide the dungeon map\n" + cmd + " toolbar [on|off] - Show or hide the toolbar\n" + cmd + " show|hide arrow|map|dereth|dungeon|all - Show or hide the specified hud(s)\n" + cmd + " to (coords)|(location)|here - Set the arrow's destination coordinates (use \"here\" for your current coords)\n" + cmd + " start (coords)|(location)|here - Set the route start coordinates\n" + cmd + " end (coords)|(location)|here - Set the route end coordinates\n" + cmd + " search (location) - Search the database for a location.\n" + cmd + " tag - Attach the arrow to your current selection.\n" + cmd + " loc (target) - Send your current coordinates to (target)\n" + cmd + " dest (target) - Send the arrow's destination coordinates to (target)\n" + cmd + " find (name) - Find (and select) an object by name.\n" + cmd + " reset - Move the HUDs and GUI to their default positions on the screen\n"; if (chkEnableCoordsCommand.Checked) msg += " /" + edtCoordsCommand.Text + " (target) - Same as " + cmdTrim + " loc (target)\n"; if (chkEnableDestCommand.Checked) msg += " /" + edtDestCommand.Text + " (target) - Same as " + cmdTrim + " dest (target)\n"; if (chkEnableFindCommand.Checked) msg += " /" + edtFindCommand.Text + " (name) - Same as " + cmdTrim + " find (name)\n"; msg += cmd + " help loc - Show help for the " + cmdTrim + " loc and " + cmdTrim + " dest commands"; Util.AddChatText(msg, Util.HelpColor); } private void ShowLocCommandHelp(bool isLocCmd) { string cmd, yourCoords, coordsStr; if (isLocCmd) { cmd = "/" + edtChatCommand.Text.ToLower() + " loc"; yourCoords = "your current coords"; coordsStr = PlayerCoords.ToString("0.0"); } else { cmd = "/" + edtChatCommand.Text.ToLower() + " dest"; yourCoords = "the arrow's destination coords"; coordsStr = mArrowHud.DestinationCoords.ToString(); } Util.HelpMessage("The " + cmd + " command sends " + yourCoords + " to a specified target. The target " + "can be any chat channel, such as fellowship (f), local chat (say), tell (t [name]), etc.\n" + "You can include an optional message after the target. If the message contains %c, that " + "will be replaced with your coords; otherwise your coords will be at the end of the message."); Util.HelpMessage("Here are some examples of using " + cmd + "\n" + " \"" + cmd + " say\" => You say, \"" + coordsStr + "\"\n" + " \"" + cmd + " t Digero, I'm at\" => You tell Digero, \"I'm at " + coordsStr + "\"\n" + " \"" + cmd + " a Come to %c for the quest\" => [Allegiance] " + Core.CharacterFilter.Name + " says, \"Come to " + coordsStr + " for the quest\""); } private void ChatCommandHandler(object sender, ChatParserInterceptEventArgs e) { try { string text = e.Text.ToLower(); string chatCommand = edtChatCommand.Text.ToLower(); string coordsCommand = edtCoordsCommand.Text.ToLower(); string destCommand = edtDestCommand.Text.ToLower(); string findCommand = edtFindCommand.Text.ToLower(); if (text.StartsWith("@" + chatCommand) || text.StartsWith("/" + chatCommand)) { if (text.Length == 1 + chatCommand.Length) { e.Eat = true; ShowHelp(); return; } if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(text[1 + chatCommand.Length])) return; e.Eat = true; text = text.Substring(1 + chatCommand.Length).Trim(); string arg = ""; int idx = text.IndexOf(' '); if (idx > 0) { arg = text.Substring(idx).Trim(); text = text.Substring(0, idx).Trim(); } if (arg == "[coords]") { Util.Error("You're not actually supposed to type [coords] ... " + "replace that with coordinates or \"here\""); return; } Coordinates coords = PlayerCoords; Location loc; switch (text) { case "": case "help": if (arg == "loc" || arg == "dest") ShowLocCommandHelp(arg == "loc"); else ShowHelp(); break; case "on/off": case "onoff": case "show/hide": case "showhide": case "toggle": if (arg == "" || arg == "arrow") { ShowHideArrow(!mArrowHud.Visible); } else if (arg == "map" || arg == "auto") { if (mDungeonHud.IsDungeon(Host.Actions.Landcell)) { mMapHud.Visible = false; mDungeonHud.Visible = !mDungeonHud.Visible; } else { mMapHud.Visible = !mMapHud.Visible; mDungeonHud.Visible = false; } } else if (arg == "dereth" || arg == "derethmap" || arg == "dereth map") { mMapHud.Visible = !mMapHud.Visible; } else if (arg == "dungeon" || arg == "dung" || arg == "dungeonmap" || arg == "dungeon map") { mDungeonHud.Visible = !mDungeonHud.Visible; } else if (arg == "toolbar" || arg == "tool" || arg == "tool bar") { mToolbar.Visible = !mToolbar.Visible; } else if (arg == "all") { ShowHideArrow(!mArrowHud.Visible); mDungeonHud.Visible = !mDungeonHud.Visible; mMapHud.Visible = !mMapHud.Visible; mToolbar.Visible = !mToolbar.Visible; } else { Util.Error("Valid values are: 'arrow', 'map', 'dereth', 'dungeon', 'toolbar', and 'all'"); } break; case "on": case "show": if (arg == "" || arg == "arrow") { ShowHideArrow(true); } else if (arg == "map" || arg == "auto") { if (mDungeonHud.IsDungeon(Host.Actions.Landcell)) { mMapHud.Visible = false; mDungeonHud.Visible = true; } else { mMapHud.Visible = true; mDungeonHud.Visible = false; } } else if (arg == "dereth" || arg == "derethmap" || arg == "dereth map") { mMapHud.Visible = true; } else if (arg == "dungeon" || arg == "dung" || arg == "dungeonmap" || arg == "dungeon map") { mDungeonHud.Visible = true; } else if (arg == "toolbar" || arg == "tool" || arg == "tool bar") { mToolbar.Visible = true; } else if (arg == "all") { ShowHideArrow(true); if (mDungeonHud.IsDungeon(Host.Actions.Landcell)) { mMapHud.Visible = true; mDungeonHud.Visible = true; } else { mDungeonHud.Visible = true; mMapHud.Visible = true; } mToolbar.Visible = true; } else { Util.Error("Valid values are: 'arrow', 'map', 'dereth', 'dungeon', 'toolbar', and 'all'"); } break; case "off": case "hide": if (arg == "" || arg == "arrow") { ShowHideArrow(false); } else if (arg == "map" || arg == "auto") { mMapHud.Visible = false; mDungeonHud.Visible = false; } else if (arg == "dereth" || arg == "derethmap" || arg == "dereth map") { mMapHud.Visible = false; } else if (arg == "dungeon" || arg == "dung" || arg == "dungeonmap" || arg == "dungeon map") { mDungeonHud.Visible = false; } else if (arg == "toolbar" || arg == "tool" || arg == "tool bar") { mToolbar.Visible = false; } else if (arg == "all") { ShowHideArrow(false); mMapHud.Visible = false; mDungeonHud.Visible = false; mToolbar.Visible = false; } else { Util.Error("Valid values are: 'arrow', 'map', 'dereth', 'dungeon', 'toolbar', and 'all'"); } break; case "map": if (arg == "on" || arg == "show") { if (mDungeonHud.IsDungeon(Host.Actions.Landcell)) { mMapHud.Visible = false; mDungeonHud.Visible = true; } else { mMapHud.Visible = true; mDungeonHud.Visible = false; } } else if (arg == "off" || arg == "hide") { mMapHud.Visible = false; mDungeonHud.Visible = false; } else if (arg == "" || arg == "toggle") { if (mDungeonHud.IsDungeon(Host.Actions.Landcell)) { mMapHud.Visible = false; mDungeonHud.Visible = !mDungeonHud.Visible; } else { mMapHud.Visible = !mMapHud.Visible; mDungeonHud.Visible = false; } } else { goto invalidCommand; } break; case "arrow": if (arg == "on" || arg == "show") { ShowHideArrow(true); } else if (arg == "off" || arg == "hide") { ShowHideArrow(false); } else if (arg == "" || arg == "toggle") { ShowHideArrow(!mArrowHud.Visible); } else { goto invalidCommand; } break; case "dereth": if (arg == "on" || arg == "show") { mMapHud.Visible = true; } else if (arg == "off" || arg == "hide") { mMapHud.Visible = false; } else if (arg == "" || arg == "toggle") { mMapHud.Visible = !mMapHud.Visible; } else { goto invalidCommand; } break; case "dungeon": case "dung": if (arg == "on" || arg == "show") { mDungeonHud.Visible = true; } else if (arg == "off" || arg == "hide") { mDungeonHud.Visible = false; } else if (arg == "" || arg == "toggle") { mDungeonHud.Visible = !mDungeonHud.Visible; } else { goto invalidCommand; } break; case "toolbar": case "tool": if (arg == "on" || arg == "show") { mToolbar.Visible = true; } else if (arg == "off" || arg == "hide") { mToolbar.Visible = false; } else if (arg == "" || arg == "toggle") { mToolbar.Visible = !mToolbar.Visible; } else { goto invalidCommand; } break; case "to": if (arg == "here" || arg == "\"here\"" || Coordinates.TryParse(arg, out coords)) { loc = mLocDb.GetLocationAt(coords); if (loc != null) mArrowHud.DestinationLocation = loc; else mArrowHud.DestinationCoords = coords; mArrowHud.Visible = true; //SaveSettings(); } else if (mLocDb.TryGet(arg, out loc)) { mArrowHud.DestinationLocation = loc; mArrowHud.Visible = true; } else { Util.Error("Invalid coordinates or unknown location name. Coordinates " + "must be in the form \"00.0N, 00.0E\" and location names must " + "match the name in the database exactly."); } break; case "start": case "from": if (arg == "here" || Coordinates.TryParse(arg, out coords)) { SetRouteStart(coords); } else if (mLocDb.TryGet(arg, out loc)) { SetRouteStart(loc); } else { Util.Error("Invalid coordinates or unknown location name. Coordinates " + "must be in the form \"00.0N, 00.0E\" and location names must " + "match the name in the database exactly."); } break; case "end": if (arg == "here" || Coordinates.TryParse(arg, out coords)) { SetRouteEnd(coords); } else if (mLocDb.TryGet(arg, out loc)) { SetRouteEnd(loc); } else { Util.Error("Invalid coordinates or unknown location name. Coordinates " + "must be in the form \"00.0N, 00.0E\" and location names must " + "match the name in the database exactly."); } break; case "reset": SetViewLocation(new Point(40, 75)); ResetHudPositions(true); break; case "lock": mArrowHud.PositionLocked = true; Util.Message("Arrow HUD position locked"); break; case "unlock": mArrowHud.PositionLocked = false; Util.Message("Arrow HUD position unlocked"); break; case "loc": idx = e.Text.IndexOf(text, 1 + chatCommand.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); SendCoordinates(e.Text.Substring(idx + text.Length), PlayerCoords.ToString("0.0")); break; case "dest": idx = e.Text.IndexOf(text, 1 + chatCommand.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); SendCoordinates(e.Text.Substring(idx + text.Length), ArrowDestinationDescription); break; case "search": if (arg != "") { edtSearchName.Text = arg; chkSearchName.Checked = true; edtSearchCoords.Text = ""; chkSearchNearby.Checked = false; choSearchLimit.Selected = 0; btnSearchGo_Click(null, null); } nbkMain.ActiveTab = MainTab.Atlas; nbkAtlas.ActiveTab = AtlasTab.Search; MyClasses.MetaViewWrappers.MVWireupHelper.GetDefaultView(this).Activate(); break; case "find": FindCommand(arg); break; case "attach": case "tag": AttachCommand(Host.Actions.CurrentSelection, true); break; default: invalidCommand: Util.Error("Invalid command: " + text + ". " + "Type /" + chatCommand + " help for a list of available commands"); break; } } else if (chkEnableCoordsCommand.Checked && (text.StartsWith("@" + coordsCommand + " ") || text.StartsWith("/" + coordsCommand + " "))) { e.Eat = true; SendCoordinates(e.Text.Substring(1 + coordsCommand.Length), PlayerCoords.ToString("0.0")); } else if (chkEnableDestCommand.Checked && (text.StartsWith("@" + destCommand + " ") || text.StartsWith("/" + destCommand + " "))) { e.Eat = true; SendCoordinates(e.Text.Substring(1 + destCommand.Length), ArrowDestinationDescription); } else if (chkEnableFindCommand.Checked && (text.StartsWith("@" + findCommand + " ") || text.StartsWith("/" + findCommand + " "))) { e.Eat = true; FindCommand(e.Text.Substring(1 + findCommand.Length).Trim()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void ResetHudPositions(bool verbose) { mArrowHud.ResetPosition(); mMapHud.ResetPosition(); mDungeonHud.ResetPosition(); mToolbar.ResetPosition(); if (verbose) Util.Message("The HUDs should now be in visible locations on the screen"); } private string ArrowDestinationDescription { get { if (mArrowHud.HasDestinationLocation) { return mArrowHud.DestinationLocation.ToString(); } else if (mArrowHud.HasDestinationObject) { return mArrowHud.DestinationObject.Name + (mArrowHud.DestinationObject.IsValid ? "" : " (out of range)") + " [" + mArrowHud.DestinationCoords + "]"; } return mArrowHud.DestinationCoords.ToString(); } } private void SendCoordinates(string arg, string coordsStr) { arg = arg.Replace("/", "").Replace("@", "").TrimStart(); if ((arg.StartsWith("t", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || arg.StartsWith("tell", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && !arg.Contains(",")) { arg = arg.TrimEnd() + ", " + coordsStr; } else if (arg.Contains("%c")) { arg = arg.Replace("%c", coordsStr); } else { arg = arg.TrimEnd() + " " + coordsStr; } Host.Actions.InvokeChatParser("/" + arg); } private void FindCommand(string arg) { arg = arg.ToLower(); bool matched = false; foreach (Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.WorldObject obj in Core.WorldFilter.GetLandscape()) { if (obj.Name.ToLower().Contains(arg)) { if (!matched) { Host.Actions.SelectItem(obj.Id); } Coordinates coords = new Coordinates(obj.Coordinates()); Util.Message(obj.Name + " (" + MakeAttachArrowChatLink(obj.Id, coords.ToString("0.0")) + ") | " + MakeSelectItemChatLink(obj.Id, "Select")); matched = true; } } if (!matched) { Util.Message("No matches found for '" + arg + "'"); } } private bool AttachCommand(int objId, bool warnUserInvalid) { WorldObject obj = Core.WorldFilter[objId]; if (obj == null) { if (warnUserInvalid) Util.Warning("Select something to attach the arrow to."); return false; } else { mArrowHud.DestinationObject = new GameObject(objId, obj.Name, obj.Icon, Host.Actions); mArrowHud.Visible = true; return true; } } #endregion #region Recall Detection private void CharacterFilter_SpellCast(object sender, SpellCastEventArgs e) { try { mLastSpellId = e.SpellId; mLastSpellTarget = e.TargetId; if (e.SpellId == Spells.PrimaryPortalRecall) { mRecallingToPrimaryPortal = RecallStep.RecallStarted; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 30000; // 30 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } else if (e.SpellId == Spells.SecondaryPortalRecall) { mRecallingToSecondaryPortal = RecallStep.RecallStarted; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 30000; // 30 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } else if (e.SpellId == Spells.LifestoneRecall) { mRecallingToLSTie = RecallStep.RecallStarted; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 30000; // 30 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void CharacterFilter_Death(object sender, DeathEventArgs e) { try { if (chkAutoUpdateRecalls.Checked) { mRecallingToLSBind = RecallStep.RecallStarted; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 30000; // 30 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } if (chkTrackCorpses.Checked) { string name = "Corpse of " + Core.CharacterFilter.Name + " [" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "]"; string descr = "Corpse of " + Core.CharacterFilter.Name + "\n" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "\n" + e.Text; string dungeonName = mDungeonHud.GetDungeonNameByLandblock(Host.Actions.Landcell); if (dungeonName != "") { name += " in " + dungeonName; descr += "\nIn Dungeon: " + dungeonName; } Location corpse = new Location(Location.GetNextInternalId(), name, LocationType.Custom, PlayerCoords, descr); corpse.Icon = AcIcons.Corpse; mArrowHud.DestinationLocation = corpse; } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void RecallChatCommandHandler(object sender, ChatParserInterceptEventArgs e) { try { if (chkAutoUpdateRecalls.Checked) { string text = e.Text.ToLower().TrimEnd(); if (text == "/allegiance hometown") { mRecallingToBindstone = RecallStep.RecallStarted; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 40000; // 40 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } else if (text == "/lifestone") { mRecallingToLSBind = RecallStep.RecallStarted; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 40000; // 40 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void RecallChatTextHandler(object sender, ChatTextInterceptEventArgs e) { try { if (chkAutoUpdateRecalls.Checked) { string text = e.Text.Trim(); // Spell Casting if (e.Color == 7) { if (text == "You successfully link with the portal!" || text == "You successfully link with the lifestone!") { WorldObject spellTarget = Core.WorldFilter[mLastSpellTarget]; if (spellTarget != null) { if (mLastSpellId == Spells.PrimaryPortalTie) { if (spellTarget.HasIdData) { ProcessPortalTie(spellTarget, RouteStartType.PrimaryPortalTie); } else { Host.Actions.RequestId(mLastSpellTarget); mIdPrimaryTie = IdStep.Requested; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 10000; // 10 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } } else if (mLastSpellId == Spells.SecondaryPortalTie) { if (spellTarget.HasIdData) { ProcessPortalTie(spellTarget, RouteStartType.SecondaryPortalTie); } else { Host.Actions.RequestId(mLastSpellTarget); mIdSecondaryTie = IdStep.Requested; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 10000; // 10 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } } else if (mLastSpellId == Spells.LifestoneTie) { UpdateStartLocation(spellTarget, RouteStartType.LifestoneTie); } } } else if (e.Text.StartsWith("You have attuned your spirit to this Lifestone.")) { WorldObject lifestone = Core.WorldFilter[Host.Actions.CurrentSelection]; Coordinates coords; RouteStart startLoc = GetStartLocationByType(RouteStartType.LifestoneBind); if (lifestone == null || lifestone.ObjectClass != ObjectClass.Lifestone) { coords = PlayerCoords; } else { coords = new Coordinates(lifestone.Coordinates(), 1); } if (startLoc.Coords != coords) { startLoc.Coords = coords; RefreshStartLocationListCoords(); if (startLoc.Enabled) Util.Message(startLoc.Name + " start location set to " + startLoc.Coords); } } } // Recall Text else if (e.Color == 23) { string name = Core.CharacterFilter.Name; if (text == name + " is going to the Allegiance hometown.") { mRecallingToBindstone = RecallStep.RecallStarted; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 40000; // 40 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } else if (text == name + " is recalling to the lifestone.") { mRecallingToLSBind = RecallStep.RecallStarted; if (mRecallTimeout.Enabled) RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); mRecallTimeout.Interval = 40000; // 40 seconds mRecallTimeout.Start(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void ProcessPortalTie(WorldObject spellTarget, RouteStartType type) { RouteStart startLoc = GetStartLocationByType(type); Coordinates coords; string dest = spellTarget.Values(StringValueKey.PortalDestination, ""); if (Coordinates.TryParse(dest, out coords)) { if (startLoc.Coords != coords) { startLoc.Coords = coords; RefreshStartLocationListCoords(); if (startLoc.Enabled) Util.Message(startLoc.Name + " start location set to " + startLoc.Coords); } } else { startLoc.Coords = Coordinates.NO_COORDINATES; RefreshStartLocationListCoords(); if (startLoc.Enabled) { Util.Message("Could not determine destination of primary portal tie. " + startLoc.Name + " start location set to " + startLoc.Coords); } } } private void WorldFilter_ChangeObject(object sender, ChangeObjectEventArgs e) { try { if (mLoggedIn && e.Change == WorldChangeType.IdentReceived && e.Changed.ObjectClass == ObjectClass.Portal) { if (mIdPrimaryTie == IdStep.Requested) { ProcessPortalTie(e.Changed, RouteStartType.PrimaryPortalTie); mIdPrimaryTie = IdStep.Idle; } if (mIdSecondaryTie == IdStep.Requested) { ProcessPortalTie(e.Changed, RouteStartType.SecondaryPortalTie); mIdSecondaryTie = IdStep.Idle; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void WorldFilter_CreateObject(object sender, CreateObjectEventArgs e) { if (!mLoggedIn) return; try { int isMansion = -1; if (chkAutoUpdateRecalls.Checked) { isMansion = e.New.Values(LongValueKey.HouseOwner) == MonarchId && (e.New.Name.EndsWith("'s Mansion") || e.New.Name.EndsWith("'s Villa")) ? 1 : 0; if (isMansion == 1) { UpdateStartLocation(e.New, RouteStartType.MansionRecall); } else if (mRecallingToBindstone == RecallStep.EnteredPortal && e.New.Name == "Bind Stone") { UpdateStartLocation(e.New, RouteStartType.AllegianceBindstone); } else if (mRecallingToLSBind == RecallStep.EnteredPortal && e.New.ObjectClass == ObjectClass.Lifestone) { UpdateStartLocation(e.New, RouteStartType.LifestoneBind); } else if (mRecallingToLSTie == RecallStep.EnteredPortal && e.New.ObjectClass == ObjectClass.Lifestone) { UpdateStartLocation(e.New, RouteStartType.LifestoneTie); } } if (chkAutoDetectPortalDevices.Checked) { if (isMansion == 1 || (isMansion == -1 && e.New.Values(LongValueKey.HouseOwner) == MonarchId && (e.New.Name.EndsWith("'s Mansion") || e.New.Name.EndsWith("'s Villa")))) { // Look for every portal device foreach (PortalDevice device in mPortalDevices.Values) { bool found = false; foreach (WorldObject obj in Core.WorldFilter.GetByName(device.Name)) { if (obj.Values(LongValueKey.HouseOwner) == MonarchId) { device.Coords = new Coordinates(obj.Coordinates(), 2); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { device.Coords = Coordinates.NO_COORDINATES; } } } else if (e.New.Values(LongValueKey.HouseOwner) == MonarchId) { // See if it matches any portal device PortalDevice device; if (mPortalDevices.TryGetValue(e.New.Name, out device)) { device.Coords = new Coordinates(e.New.Coordinates(), 2); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void UpdateStartLocation(WorldObject obj, RouteStartType type) { RecallTimeout_Tick(null, null); UpdateStartLocation(new Coordinates(obj.Coordinates(), 1), type); } private void UpdateStartLocation(Coordinates coords, RouteStartType type) { UpdateStartLocation(coords, type, false); } private void UpdateStartLocation(Coordinates coords, RouteStartType type, bool quiet) { if (!chkAutoUpdateRecalls.Checked) return; RouteStart startLoc = GetStartLocationByType(type); if (startLoc != null && startLoc.Coords != coords) { startLoc.Coords = coords; RefreshStartLocationListCoords(); if (startLoc.Enabled && !quiet) Util.Message(startLoc.Name + " start location set to " + startLoc.Coords); } } private int MonarchId { get { return mMonarchId; } set { // If monarch was previously set and differs from the value given if (mMonarchId != value && mMonarchId != 0) { // Reset start locations foreach (RouteStart start in mStartLocations.Values) { if (start.SavesPer == SavesPer.Monarchy) { start.Coords = Coordinates.NO_COORDINATES; } } RefreshStartLocationListCoords(); // Reset portal devices foreach (PortalDevice device in mPortalDevices.Values) { device.Coords = Coordinates.NO_COORDINATES; } } mMonarchId = value; } } private string MonarchName { get { return mMonarchName; } set { mMonarchName = value; } } private void CharacterFilter_ChangePortalMode(object sender, ChangePortalModeEventArgs e) { try { if (mLoggedIn && chkAutoUpdateRecalls.Checked) { if (e.Type == PortalEventType.EnterPortal) { if (mRecallingToBindstone == RecallStep.RecallStarted) mRecallingToBindstone = RecallStep.EnteredPortal; if (mRecallingToLSBind == RecallStep.RecallStarted) mRecallingToLSBind = RecallStep.EnteredPortal; if (mRecallingToLSTie == RecallStep.RecallStarted) mRecallingToLSTie = RecallStep.EnteredPortal; if (mRecallingToPrimaryPortal == RecallStep.RecallStarted) mRecallingToPrimaryPortal = RecallStep.EnteredPortal; if (mRecallingToSecondaryPortal == RecallStep.RecallStarted) mRecallingToSecondaryPortal = RecallStep.EnteredPortal; } else if (e.Type == PortalEventType.ExitPortal) { RouteStartType type = RouteStartType.Regular; if (mRecallingToPrimaryPortal == RecallStep.EnteredPortal) { type = RouteStartType.PrimaryPortalTie; } else if (mRecallingToSecondaryPortal == RecallStep.EnteredPortal) { type = RouteStartType.SecondaryPortalTie; } if (type != RouteStartType.Regular && !mDungeonHud.IsDungeon(Host.Actions.Landcell)) { RouteStart startLoc = GetStartLocationByType(type); Coordinates coords = Coordinates.Round(PlayerCoords, 1); if (startLoc.Coords != coords) { startLoc.Coords = coords; RefreshStartLocationListCoords(); if (startLoc.Enabled) Util.Message(startLoc.Name + " start location set to " + startLoc.Coords); } } mRecallingToPrimaryPortal = RecallStep.NotRecalling; mRecallingToSecondaryPortal = RecallStep.NotRecalling; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void RecallTimeout_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { mRecallTimeout.Stop(); mRecallingToBindstone = RecallStep.NotRecalling; mRecallingToLSBind = RecallStep.NotRecalling; mRecallingToLSTie = RecallStep.NotRecalling; mRecallingToPrimaryPortal = RecallStep.NotRecalling; mRecallingToSecondaryPortal = RecallStep.NotRecalling; mIdPrimaryTie = IdStep.Idle; mIdSecondaryTie = IdStep.Idle; } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } private void DatabaseReminderDelay_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { mDatabaseReminderDelay.Stop(); TimeSpan timeSinceUpdate = DateTime.Now - mLocDb.LastUpdate; if (!(chkUpdateRemind.Checked && timeSinceUpdate.TotalDays > 30)) return; QueuedAction openUpdateTabAction = new QueuedAction(delegate() { nbkMain.ActiveTab = MainTab.Atlas; nbkAtlas.ActiveTab = AtlasTab.Update; MyClasses.MetaViewWrappers.MVWireupHelper.GetDefaultView(this).Activate(); }); QueuedAction updateAction = new QueuedAction(delegate() { openUpdateTabAction(); btnLocationsUpdate_Click(null, null); }); QueuedAction disableReminderAction = new QueuedAction(delegate() { if (chkUpdateRemind.Checked) { chkUpdateRemind.Checked = false; Util.Message("Database update reminders have been disabled. " + "You can re-enable the reminders on the " + Util.CreateChatCommand("Atlas > Update Tab", openUpdateTabAction)); } else { Util.Warning("Database update reminders are already disabled."); } }); string updateCommand = Util.CreateChatCommand("Update Now", updateAction); string disableReminderCommand = Util.CreateChatCommand("Don't remind me again", disableReminderAction); if (mLocDb.LastUpdate == DateTime.MinValue) { Util.Message(Util.PluginName + "'s location database may be out of date." + "Would you like to update? " + updateCommand + " | " + disableReminderCommand); } else { Util.Message(Util.PluginName + "'s location database was last updated " + ((int)timeSinceUpdate.TotalDays) + " days ago, it may be out of date. " + "Would you like to update? " + updateCommand + " | " + disableReminderCommand); } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.HandleException(ex); } } #endregion #region VVS-specific bool VVSEnabled = false; int VVSHudBarButtons_Zorder; Dictionary VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToManagedHud = new Dictionary(); Dictionary VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToVVSButtonInfo = new Dictionary(); Dictionary VVSHudBarButtons_ManagedHudToHandle = new Dictionary(); #region VVS Startup/shutdown private void Curtain_VVSEnabledStartup() { VVSEnabled = true; VVSHudBarButtons_Zorder = 100000; VirindiViewService.Service.HudBarInstance.Clicked += new VirindiViewService.HudBar.cHudBarHud.ClickedDelegate(HudBarInstance_Clicked); AddVVSButtonForManagedHud(mArrowHud, Icons.Toolbar.SimpleArrow, "GoArrow: Arrow"); AddVVSButtonForManagedHud(mMapHud, Icons.Toolbar.Dereth, "GoArrow: Dereth Map"); AddVVSButtonForManagedHud(mDungeonHud, Icons.Toolbar.Dungeon, "GoArrow: Dungeon Map"); } private void Curtain_VVSEnabledShutdown() { VVSEnabled = false; VirindiViewService.Service.HudBarInstance.Clicked -= new VirindiViewService.HudBar.cHudBarHud.ClickedDelegate(HudBarInstance_Clicked); //Delete the VVS bar buttons foreach (KeyValuePair kp in VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToManagedHud) { kp.Value.VisibleChanged -= new EventHandler(managedhud_VisibleChanged); VirindiViewService.Service.HudBarInstance.RemoveHud(kp.Key); } VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToManagedHud.Clear(); VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToVVSButtonInfo.Clear(); VVSHudBarButtons_ManagedHudToHandle.Clear(); } #endregion VVS Startup/shutdown #region VVS Bar hud buttons private void AddVVSButtonForManagedHud(IManagedHud managedhud, Bitmap icon, string name) { VirindiViewService.HudBar.sHudInfo info = new VirindiViewService.HudBar.sHudInfo(); info.icon = new VirindiViewService.ACImage(icon); info.EntryName = name; info.zorder = ++VVSHudBarButtons_Zorder; info.hudvisible = managedhud.Visible; //Group with the main goarrow window...this is how VVS chooses a key internally info.group = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName.GetHashCode(); if (info.group < (int.MinValue + 100)) info.group += 100; //Reserved space int handle = VirindiViewService.Service.HudBarInstance.AddHud(info); VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToManagedHud[handle] = managedhud; VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToVVSButtonInfo[handle] = info; VVSHudBarButtons_ManagedHudToHandle[managedhud] = handle; managedhud.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler(managedhud_VisibleChanged); } void managedhud_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { IManagedHud myhud = sender as IManagedHud; if (!VVSHudBarButtons_ManagedHudToHandle.ContainsKey(myhud)) return; int myhandle = VVSHudBarButtons_ManagedHudToHandle[myhud]; VirindiViewService.Service.HudBarInstance.SetHudEnabled(myhandle, myhud.Visible); } void HudBarInstance_Clicked(int handle) { if (!VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToManagedHud.ContainsKey(handle)) return; IManagedHud clickedhud = VVSHudBarButtons_HandleToManagedHud[handle]; clickedhud.Visible = !clickedhud.Visible; } #endregion VVS Bar hud buttons #endregion VVS-specific private Coordinates PlayerCoords { get { try { return new Coordinates(Host.Actions.Landcell, Host.Actions.LocationY, Host.Actions.LocationX); } catch { // Sometimes causes error when accessed before login complete return Coordinates.NO_COORDINATES; } } } private void HudManager_ExceptionHandler(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e) { Util.HandleException(e.Exception); } } }